This morning's sharp frost preceded a beautiful sunny day - the crocuses enjoyed the sunshine.
I went into town on Thursday, to buy a couple of things at the farmers' market, and to drop in to the Spinners, Dyers and Weavers' workshop morning. I thought I'd use the (fairly) new Park and Ride. When I got there, just after 10 a.m., it was nearly full. The bus was waiting, so no delay going into town. My workshop was away from the shopping area, on the route back to the car park, so I asked about stops to get on the bus going back - it
only stops in the town centre. It was clearly quicker to walk back to the car than to walk back into town, get on the bus, and ride back, so that was what I did. The cost was less than using a town centre car park, and there was the added benefit of a bit of exercise, but it was just as well I wasn't carrying a spinning wheel.
The jumper I am knitting for DH is progressing well, but after finishing the first sleeve I calculated that I don't have quite enough yarn to finish it. I have bought some more fibre, and will have to spin a couple more skeins. He saw Stephen Fry on TV wearing a cricket sweater, and fancied something similar, so that was the starting point for the design. Watch this space for the finished article!