Friday, November 23, 2007

23 November: Stirring from hibernation

This morning not only was it not raining, there was no heavy blanketing cloud cover - sunshine!

A walk round the garden revealed that, although the bird baths were frozen solid (one with an attractive selection of leaves embedded in the ice), there were a number of flowers still blooming. A perfect rose (Pink Perpetue), lobelias and nasturtiums, helenium, everlasting wallflower, a penstemon, verbena bonarensis and clematis.

Under the liquidambar tree was this -

And over by the windy fence -

But as I climbed into the car to go shopping, it began to snow. Out of a clear blue sky.

It has been so dismal and dark lately that yesterday I tried to bring some colour to the workroom - you will remember that I am currently knitting a brown scarf. So I grabbed a half kilo of Blue Faced Leicester fibre, and did a bit of dyeing -

Some of that is electrically bright, so it may end up being blended with some plain white fibre, or with some oatmeal coloured BFL. Maybe flecks of different colours in the oatmeal....


Rog said...

That wool pic is brilliant! It would make a good album cover for somebody. If they still did Album covers of course..

Lucy said...

I agree. I think perhaps you should leave it electrically bright. Altogether a zingy colourful post, I like the liquidamber/cyclamen composition too.

stitchwort said...

Thank you both.
A bit of bright colour is needed at this time of year.
Name that Album, and the artist.

Rog said...

Yellow is the Colour - Simply Red

Black is Black - Blue

Al Green - The Colour Purple

KAZ said...

Love the top pic - lovely muted colours

stitchwort said...

murph - there's Yellow (Coldplay?) and Brown Sugar and Paint it Black (R.Stones) too, and Pink Floyd.
Apricot and Lavender are a bit more difficult.

kaz - thank you; another in my Underfoot series. Some of my best photos have been of things right in front of my feet!