Sunday, February 03, 2008

3 February: It's Shaun the Sheep!

There's been quite a lot of activity this week designed to divert my thoughts from the minor surgery I had on Wednesday afternoon.

There's been a cyst on my scalp for a long time, but it recently became infected. The nice GP used to be a surgeon, so he was keen to keep his hand in by removing the offending excrescence. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

So on Wednesday afternoon I spent half an hour having one of life's more unpleasant experiences, and when I'd recovered from feeling faint (the nurse even offered me a cup of tea - I must have looked pretty awful!), I put my hat on and came home to lie low, moaning gently, for a few days.

There followed attempts to keep my mind off the 4 stitches in my head. (They are bright blue - is that so that the nurse can find them again, or did the doctor do what I usually do, and just use whatever colour comes to hand?)

Last time I was in Newcastle, I spotted a pack containing yarn and instructions to knit a Shaun the Sheep, so of course I bought it. Just the right sort of dead fiddly thing to concentrate on at a time like this, and here he is -

- posing on the TV, along with DH's plush Totoro, star of Studio-Ghibli's animations.

And browsing on the Internet I found a pattern for a knitted nautilus, so I might have a go at that. Wonder what colour it ought to be?


KAZ said...

Didn't you feel a bit anxious when you heard the phrase 'used to be a surgeon'?

Was the cup of tea on the National Health? No wonder they can't make ends meet.

Rog said...

Sounds a bit over-stitched Stitch! (somebody had to say it!)

Maggie May said...

Always stitching! bout time some one else had a go! Hope you are feeling OK now. Love Shaun.

stitchwort said...

kaz - as he had been a heart surgeon, it all seemed a bit irrelevant!

murph - wot no puns?

maggie - and I can't even check on the quality of the needlework, as I can't see it properly, even with a mirror.

Probably Jane said...

Hope the surgery has healed well. Shaun the sheep is very smart but has a look in his eye such that I get if I drink too much gin...

Lucy said...

Ouch! Get well soon, Stitch, and try not to scratch!