Wednesday, May 10, 2006

10 May: in the garden

This was one of the house martins reconstructing a nest at the front of our house last night. Last year's nest fell down during the winter. At one time there were two birds building, and a third trying to get in on the act. And all twittering like mad. It's not a very sharp photo, as it's my little 4 megapixel digital camera on maximum zoom, the sun was going down, and necessarily the nest is in shadow.

Elsewhere in the garden this primula/polyanthus looks cool with a background of euonymus. There are lots of different primulas in this border, and perhaps some of the seedlings coming up will be interesting hybrids.

What was originally one small plant of this spotted violet has begun to spread as well.

And this started out as just a couple of auricula plants brought from the previous garden. They are taking over another section of the border.


Inside the house, the striped knitting is progressing slowly (not spending so much time watching TV); the small cloth dolls have come to a halt while the next steps are worked out - there was a frustrating evening looking for a bag of sequins which had got misplaced in the last reorganisation of the tiny workroom, then when they were found, they didn't seem appropriate. And the jogging has continued for a whole week - 3 outings, one of them with DH, resulting in slightly creaky knees.


Z said...

One good thing about being a dilatory weeder is the number of interesting self-seeded plants that come up. Mind you, I have occasionally saved something that looked really promising, only to find it is the dullest weed in the garden.

But my garden isn't just a mess, it's a wildlife sanctuary.

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