A motley collection of random bits, mostly useless, but tidily hoarded: some hand-spun. Also featuring the occasional string bag.
If you were that tall, skinny and straight you'd need very strong elastic!
That skinny lass looks like she's been playing at cowboys and native Americans.
Reminds me of my aunt who took courses in costume (i.e., fashion) design during the 20s. I have a box of her designs that are begging to be scanned! Not to mention a French fashion magazine from the same period.
My mum had a friend in the 30s who tried to make a pattern for a 'Kestos' bra, apparently without success!
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If you were that tall, skinny and straight you'd need very strong elastic!
That skinny lass looks like she's been playing at cowboys and native Americans.
Reminds me of my aunt who took courses in costume (i.e., fashion) design during the 20s. I have a box of her designs that are begging to be scanned! Not to mention a French fashion magazine from the same period.
My mum had a friend in the 30s who tried to make a pattern for a 'Kestos' bra, apparently without success!
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