A motley collection of random bits, mostly useless, but tidily hoarded: some hand-spun. Also featuring the occasional string bag.
Thank you, they look very nice. The rest, I assume, are in the post?
They are, indeed in the post.
I've calculated the excercise offset would be 3 full marathons, which would probably give you the Stitch.Me and Oz could help you wolf them down.
Glad someone's getting their oats!
Oh... they look delicious, they`re making my mouth water!
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Thank you, they look very nice. The rest, I assume, are in the post?
They are, indeed in the post.
I've calculated the excercise offset would be 3 full marathons, which would probably give you the Stitch.
Me and Oz could help you wolf them down.
Glad someone's getting their oats!
Oh... they look delicious, they`re making my mouth water!
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