It may be a bit late, as blackbirds have been gathering nest material for a while now, and the robins have been a pair for some time, but a handful of fluffed up fibre was easily popped into an old peanut feeder and hung on a tree in the garden with a couple of tufts sticking out.
And we have a customer!
Still on the marketing theme, my jar of 250 vitamin tablets, which has lasted for 250 days, was nearly empty, so I went to buy another. Huh?
The new jar is just under half full.
An impressive comparison! As the New Yorker used to say, there'll always be a marketing man....
FYI -- your captcha today was "dylla" as in "dylla" Internet is so old ysterday when you can get broadband.
Oops -- I meant to say "so yesterday". Zero out that "old"!
and We worry about recycling stuff!
Wonder what the packaging will be in 6 months' time when I need another jar?
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