A motley collection of random bits, mostly useless, but tidily hoarded: some hand-spun. Also featuring the occasional string bag.
Oh Dear - I tried to post a comment twice last night, but blogger wouldn't let me.I was going to remind you of the communal changing rooms and give you a reason to be cheerful.Perhaps Blogger will give it back again.
There was an error on the comments bit, and it was when I tried to re-publish that it dropped off into the ether. It's out there somewhere....I avoid communal changing rooms if at all possible - leads to hysteria.
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Oh Dear - I tried to post a comment twice last night, but blogger wouldn't let me.
I was going to remind you of the communal changing rooms and give you a reason to be cheerful.
Perhaps Blogger will give it back again.
There was an error on the comments bit, and it was when I tried to re-publish that it dropped off into the ether. It's out there somewhere....
I avoid communal changing rooms if at all possible - leads to hysteria.
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